Moira Lake Property Owners Association
Welcome to the MLPOA Website

Representing our Beautiful Moira Lake and Surrounding Community


2024 MLPOA Newsletter Now Available!

The 2024 MLPOA Members Only Newsletter
is now available in full colour in electronic format.
Please click here to download a copy in Adobe .PDF format.


2023 MLPOA Newsletter Now Available!

The 2023 MLPOA Members Only Newsletter
is now available in full colour in electronic format.

Please click here to download a copy in Adobe .PDF format.


2022 MLPOA Newsletter Now Available!

The 2022 MLPOA Newsletter is now available in full colour in electronic format.
Please click here to download a copy in Adobe .PDF format.

To Download a copy of the Weed Harvesting Application Form, click here

If you wish to sign up for additional cuts this summer (July/August), please note that
there is availability but payment is due a minimum 2 business days prior to the date of the cut.


2021 MLPOA Newsletter Now Available!

The 2021 MLPOA Newsletter is now available in full colour in electronic format.

Please click here to download a copy in .PDF format.


2020 MLPOA Newsletter Now Available!

The 2020 MLPOA Newsletter is now available in full colour in electronic format.

Please click here to download a copy in .PDF format.

To download just the following forms individually:

MLPOA Annual Golf Tournament Registration Form

MLPOA Membership Information Form

MLPOA Weed Harvesting Application Form


Moira Lake Survey Results now Available

Earlier this year the MLPOA executive invited members to respond to a survey regarding Moira Lake.  For those of you who responded, thank you for your feedback! Your input is greatly appreciated and the responses will help guide the Association as we set our priorities and goals for the coming years.

To review a summary of the responses, please download the attached .PDF file.  


Ministry of Environment, Conservation and Parks
Moira Lake Water Quality Report

The MECP has now released their study on the quality of the water in Moira Lake.  At the request of the MLPOA (triggered by concerns over Blue-Green Algae blooms in the lake) the Minstry conducted an extensive review of the quality of the water in the lake. Attached here is a summary of their conclusions and recommendations.  We encourage all interested parties to read the document and contact the association if you have any comments or concerns.  The MLPOA Executive will be reviewing the report and determining appropriate next steps over the following months.




The Life and Times of a Lake”
by Gordon Pitts

Copies are available at The Hidden Goldmine Bakery or by calling Grant Ketcheson 613-473-4680



Ministry of Natural Resources

Broad-scale Monitoring Program

Monitoring the health of Ontario’s inland lakes

Download the poster for more information, and the letter from the Ministry.



 Important information about Recycling
The helpful Quinte Waste Solutions Recycling Tips and Reminders Brochure is available HERE.

Waterfront Property Owners' Resources

Our friends at the Quinte Conservation Authority have assembled a collection of interesting and important topics relating to waterfront property owners.  Do you want to know what you can and cannot do to the shoreline?  Do you have questions concerning septic systems, well maintenance, working on the shoreline? Then go to this LINK.



We Would Like to Hear from You!

Your Board of Directors are dedicated to serve all members of the Association.  If you have any questions or wish to offer suggestions on how we can serve you better, please contact us.    
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