Moira Lake Property Owners Association

MLPOA Zones and Representatives

The MLPOA is divided into numerous zones that represent specific areas around the lake. Each zone typically comprises one or more private roads leading to lakeside properties. Each Zone elects one individual to represent the Zone's interests on the MLPOA. Members are encouraged to escalate all Moira Lake related issues and concerns to the MLPOA via their respective Zone Rep.


Zone # Zone Roads Zone Rep Contact Information
Zone 1A Blakely Lane Bruce McNevin
118 Blakely Lane
H: (613) 473-4628

Zone 1B Blakely Lane As above

 As above


Zone 2 Highway 62

John McLaren

13273-H Hwy #62

H. 613-473-1506

Zone 3 MacDonald Crescent As above
As above 
Zone 4 Watson Lane Marty Webster

H: 613-473-5645

C:  613-243-0772

Zone 5 Columbia Lane, Mile Point Lane Brian Smith
365 Mile Point Lane
H- (613) 473-5057

Zone 6A Setter Lane, Retriever Lane Andy Sherwin
18 Setter Lane
C: (416) 726-9525

Zone 6B Freeborn Lane, Gordon Court Margaret Martin
51 Gordon Court
H: (416) 239-0881

Zone 7 Gordon Lane, Camp Lane TBA

Zone 8 Pine Point Lane, Donaldson Lane, Quail Ridge Lane

Patrick Shaw

(416) 305-6744

Zone 9 Darby Point Lane

Marty Lamoureaux

195 Darby Point


Zone 10A Shoreline Lane Brian Mayes
204 Shoreline Lane

H -  (613) 962-3120
C- 613-473-2493

Zone 10B1 Ballam Lane Dianna Patch
148 Shoreline Lane
(613) 473-0424

Zone 10B2 Ballam Lane, Boat Launch Road Kathryn Atkinson
26C Ballam Ln.

H - 905-855-8283

C - 416-795-5935

Zone 10C Christie Lane Lois Brown
134 Christie Lane
(613) 961-1547

Zone 11 North Shore Lane

Temp is Joe Kaehler

393 Mile Point Lane


Zone 12A Reynolds Lane, Albert Lane Myra Chase, 89 Reynolds Lane

(613) 473-0600(613) 473-0600 

Zone 12B Short Lane, Lahey Road

Sean Kerby

116 Short Lane




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