Moira Lake Property Owners Association

MLPOA News Updates

Transporting Firewood to or from the Cottage?  Please don't.  Firewood can carry small but harmful hitchhikers that are often hidden in the bark or wood. The damage caused by invasive species such as the emerald ash borer can expand exponentially when they get rides from families on vacation - even if it is only a few kilometres away. In fact, the emerald ash borer has killed millions of ash trees across Canada. 

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“Moira Memories – The Life and Times of a Lake”

Without a doubt, one of last summer’s highlights was the publication of Gordon Pitts’ book with over 400 copies being enjoyed by all who have a copy.  In the event you do not have a copy, here is a bit of summary information…

About the Book:

The book is called “Moira Memories – The Life and Times of a Lake” and that is precisely what it contains – colourful yarns from the lake, spanning the years from First Nations people who were the original inhabitants through the cottage era to the modern-day residents. This is very personal history about the people who made Moira a special place, from Henry Mitchell, the wise woodsman from the North Shore, to Biff Symon, the obsessive mine builder, and John Weir Foote, the Second World War hero. Full of pictures though the ages.

About the Author:

Gordon Pitts is a journalist and author and is currently a business writer in residence at the DeGroote School of Business at McMaster University in Hamilton. He has been a writer and editor for Canadian newspapers for close to four decades, in addition to writing six books. One of his books, Stampede!, won Canada’s national business book award. Pitts is retired after 21 years at the Globe and Mail, most recently as a senior writer in the Report on Business. He was raised at Pitts Landing on Moira Lake and still has a cottage there.

Copies of the Book are Still Available

To order, simply contact Grant Ketcheson at 613-473-4680, or e-mail Grant Ketcheson at  Provide your name, a phone # where you can be reached, your Moira Lake address and the number of books you wish to purchase.  Grant will contact you to make arrangements for delivery or pick up. Alternatively, copies of the book are available at the Hidden Goldmine Bakery in Madoc.

Centre Hastings Skate Park

In last year’s newsletter, we informed you that the Skate Park fails to meet the current minimum standards for accessibility.  Mr. Charles Gordon, the Park’s Ambassador, has done an amazing job in raising several thousands of dollars over the past year, and many park improvements are well underway. For those who wish to help, you may still make a personal donation to this project.  To do so, simply mail your cheque payable to “The Municipality of Centre Hastings – Skate Park Accessibility” to The Municipality of Centre Hastings, 7 Furnace Street, Madoc, ON, K0K 2K0.  Receipts for tax purposes will be issued on all amounts $20.00 and over.  As necessary, please make such a request, and include your mailing address.

Madoc Wastewater Lagoon System

In the spring of 2015, your board of directors attended an in-depth tour of the Madoc Wastewater Lagoon System.  It is managed by the Ontario Clean Water Agency (OCWA).  To our members who may not be aware, the lagoon system is discharged in the spring and fall of each year.  It flows into the south section of Deer Creek before entering the upper lake.  We were very impressed with this tour, especially when the officials informed us that during the discharges, the quality of the water in the south of Deer Creek tested better than the water in Deer Creek north of the discharge area.  We commend the officials at OCWA, and congratulate them on the results.

Each year, the OCWA issues a detailed report to the Municipality of Centre Hastings, summarizing their findings.  Though very technical in nature, their 2015 report can be found on the Municipality’s web site at:

If you would like to tour the facility, please contact Councillor Eric Sandford at the Municipal office at 613-473-4030.

Road Gravel Fund-Matching Program – 2024

We are pleased to advise that most Zones participated in last year’s Gravel Fund-Matching Program. Thanks to Councillor Eric Sandford, the Program was reinstated by the Municipality in 2016 with a fund total of $5,000.00. For 2024, the fund total has increased to $6,000.00.   In addition for 2017, the funds will apply to ‘other materials’ in addition to gravel.

Important to note: The cost of labour is not covered under this Program. For example, the cost of gravel would apply, but the labour cost to spread the gravel would not apply.

To participate in the Program this year, Zones are reminded that their receipts (for materials and gravel only – not labour), must be received by to the MLPOA Private Roads Committee,

Kevin McLaughlin 613-473-5116 no later than Labour Day Monday.

If you have any questions concerning this Program, please contact either Kevin McLaughlin at 613-473-5116 or Andy Sherwin – 416-726-9525.

Garbage Bins and Recycling Stations

Our members again have requested that we again remind lake property owners and their guests that all re-cycling is to be properly sorted, placed in the blue bins and not left on the ground next to the bins. The garbage bins are for clear bags only, containing household garbage only. The ground around this bins is not to be used as a drop for other types of disposals. Simply stated, if the disposal does not belong in either the recycling or garbage bins, it is to be taken to the landfill site (see below).

We are also reminded that the garbage and recycling stations around the Lake are provided by the Municipality as a convenience for those of us who own property on the Lake. Most lakes in Ontario do not enjoy this convenience.  We need to ensure these stations are being properly used. Misuse only causes unnecessary time and expense, and we run the risk of losing the stations altogether.

These bins are for the exclusive use by lake property owners and their guests.  If you see someone who should not be using the bins, please record the vehicle license number, the time and date, and report the incident to the Municipality at 613-473-4030.


Landfill Site

The Municipality of Centre Hastings Landfill Site and recycling station is located at 106968 Highway #7, east of the intersection of Highways #7 and #62.  The phone number is 613-473-4581.

The hours of operation are Mondays and Wednesdays from 8:00 AM – 12:00 (Noon); and Saturdays from 8:00 AM – 4:00 PM.

Summary of Centre Hastings Fire By-law 2006-20

During the period from April 1st to October 31st no fire for the burning of grass, rubbish, wood or other combustible material shall be permitted outdoors between the hours of 7:00 am – 7:00 pm, except for the following:


  • Fire for cooking or warmth
  • A small fire no more than 1x1 meter attended at all times by an adult
  • A fire in a metal container covered by a metal mesh ΒΌ inch in size

Please note: 

  • Between October 31st and April 1st of any calendar year, persons who permit any fires to burn out of control shall be responsible for the cost to extinguish the fires.
  • If the need arises for the Fire Department to use the services of the MNR water bombers, all watercraft are to be docked.
  • Remember to check all your smoke detectors when you return for the summer.

Other News

News Article Date
New Garbage Regulations – Effective from June 2nd, 2008 03/05/2008
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